In comparison to the butt, the neck is slim and gives way to a steep, drop-down pistol grip with a generous palm swell with fine stippling on either side.

This has three, removable, rectangular inserts that can be slid out, so allowing you to tailor its shock absorbing properties. The butt section features a height-adjustable cheekpiece and is fitted with Gamo’s SWA (Shock Wave Absorbing) black rubber butt pad. The ambidextrous stock of the HPA is an interesting design. More on these add-ons later but first, Gamo have concentrated more on manufacturing air rifles that use in-house designed and, in some cases, innovative synthetic stocks, that aid shootability and able to withstand all that the elements can throw at it! Shocking Like other recent launches, the HPA comes as a combo in this, case bundled with a Gamo 3-9 x 40WA scope, one-piece mount and a dual-mount bipod.